for Apple Gnocchi of ground or Knepfle
Ingredients (time 1hour 15 minutes)
The receipts are established
for 4 people
Four average potatoes
Flour 60 gr.
Two egg yolks
1 cuillérée with chopped parsley coffee
Leek chopped 20 gr.
Butter 50 gr. milk 5 Cl
Bread 50 Croûtons gr.
Salt, pepper of the mill
To cook potatoes with their skin with salted
To peel hot, to crush them with the fork, to season salt and
of pepper of the mill. To add the egg yolk, the flour, parsley and leek
chopped. To mix the whole well.
With a spoon with soup, to mould in the egg shape.
To poach with the ebullient water salted during 3 to 5 minutes.
To drain and draw up on a hollow dish.
To make rissoler let us croûtons
them in butter, to add milk, to pour on the gnocchi.
How about a knepfle cigar and bowling
Sporting Goods
(513) 367-5936
For the last 25 years *************************************************** Knepfle 1 egg Put
dry ingredients into a bowl. Then, separately, beat egg in a cup. Add water.
Stir well. Pour cup of water-egg mixture into dry ingredients bowl. It will
form a crumbly dough (called knepfle).
In a 3-quart kettle, bring broth to a boil. Hold the dough over the boiling
water and drop the dough in as small pieces as you can with your spoon or
with a knife. Dip the spoon or knife into the broth to prevent the dough from
sticking. Let cook about 5 minutes at a boil. Serve. (Variation: Some use
water instead of broth and drain the soup in a colander. They then serve the knepfle in a bowl with browned butter over it). For Elizabeth Coblentz' "Recipe of the Week," go to *************************************************** |
Four average potatoes, 60 grams of flour, two egg yolks,
1 spoonful with chopped parsley coffee, 20 grams of chopped leek,
50 grams of butter,
5 milk Cl, 50 grams of let us croûtons of bread,
salt, pepper of the mill.
Lhas preparation: |
To cook potatoes with their skin with
salted water.
To peel hot, to crush them with the
fork, to season salt and of pepper of the mill.
To add the egg yolks, the flour, parsley and leek chopped. To mix the whole well.
With a spoon with soup, to mould in form eggs to poach with the
ebullient water salted during 3 to 5 minutes.
To drain and draw up on a hollow dish.
To make rissoler let us croûtons them without butter, to add milk, to pour on the gnocchis.
MM: What did she cook? Did she cook a lot of noodles?
IM: Ah, no. I'll tell you what the biggest deal was at our place was rivel soup, knepfle soup. You know what that is?
MM: Yes.
A guy in
MM: Oh, yes. I like that too. In fact, during Christmas now, I had some of those cheese buttons.
Yah, yah, the cheese buttons.
MM: At my brother's house, they had cheese buttons, those cheese buttons - käseknepfle.
Yah, yah. Well, they have them, all that stuff: käseknepfle,
knepfle, well, all that stuff. That's all we lived
on. We didn't have no fancy meals.